In recognition of the ongoing need for vigilance during the Covid-19 pandemic and to ensure the Health & Safety of my clients, I have adopted the following Covid-19 policy which will assist in ensuring the safety of myself and my clients, whilst still providing an effective and efficient photography service.
This policy serves to ensure that all clients are informed of the precautionary measures that have been undertaken by Mikail Hansa (Photographer), during the Covid-19 pandemic.
I will adhere to the below-mentioned precautionary measures:
NOT shaking hands
WEARING gloves and a face mask at all times, where practical
APPLYING hand sanitiser often throughout the day to hands and gloves
FREQUENTLY and thoroughly washing and drying hands during the day; where possible
CONTROLLING cough and sneeze hygiene, meaning
Maintaining a distance of at least 1 metre from other people when they’re about to cough or sneeze;
Coughing or sneezing into a disposable tissue or elbow, then throwing tissue away and sanitising hands
AVOIDING sharing transport with anyone outside of my known contacts where I cannot maintain a safe distance
AVOIDING mixing outside of my group of known contacts
AVOIDING close contact with people NOT known to me – this is contact where I have been closer than 1m for longer than 15 minutes
ENSURING all props and cameras are sanitised before and after each session where items are used
LIMITING sessions to only 1 per day to allow for thorough cleaning and sanitisation of the equipment
LIMITING people attending the shoot to only those required for photographs unless otherwise approved by the photographer
IMMEDIATELY notifying clients if I feel sick, unwell or under the weather – self-isolating and visiting a Covid-19 testing centre or my doctor
In paying the booking fee, the client agrees to adhere to the policy outlined below for the safety of themselves and the photographer:
LIMITING people attending the shoot to only those required for photographs unless otherwise approved by the photographer
APPLYING hand sanitiser often throughout the day to hands or gloves
CONTROLLING cough and sneeze hygiene, meaning
Maintaining a distance of at least 1 metre from other people when they’re about to cough or sneeze;
Coughing or sneezing into a disposable tissue or elbow, then throwing tissue away and sanitising hands
CONTACT TRACING i.e. names and mobile numbers of clients, to speed up possible contact tracing in the future
IMMEDIATELY notifying myself if anyone who is part of the shoot feels sick, unwell or under the weather, has been self-isolating or is visiting a Covid-19 testing centre for a test, before your session. Failure to do this may put others at risk
Prior to booking, you will be asked sign a liability release form alongside your regular photoshoot session contract
These are unusual and unprecedented times and I hope that this policy will help to ease any concerns that you may have in regards to Covid-19 transmission. My commitment to you remains as always to act in good faith and be as open and communicative as possible throughout this challenging period.