Hansa Photography

Terms and Conditions

Images captured by Hansa Photography remain the property of Hansa Photography. Hansa Photography has rights to all photographs and any other reproduction or adaptations thereof, in whole or in part, alone or in composite or altered form, or in conjunction with any wording or other photographs or drawings, for advertising, publicity, editorial or any other purpose including use on the Internet and World Wide Web or transmission by any other electronic means.

Certain pictures have been posted in low resolution and watermarked to prevent downloading and illegal use. Please note that by being photographed or requesting any other photo-shoot assignment you have consented to the publishing of your images on this site or any other form of publication at the sole discretion of Hansa Photography. Due to confidentiality and privacy provisions not all images taken during a photo shoot may be published or fully disclosed.

By being photographed, your images/photographs on this site, Hansa Photography cc accepts no liability for any claim instituted by any person for damages or loss of whatsoever nature (including consequential damages or special damages of any nature) following directly or indirectly from any misuse of your images by any third party, howsoever arising. You accept that you are fully aware that as a result of your images being posted on this site, your images may be reproduced in any other publication or form of media and you hereby waive any rights you may have against Hansa Photography cc for any claim whatsoever for such re-production, whether such re-production has occurred with or without your consent.

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